Mirror pictures

1. Stanced up

Check out this gem I stumbled upon: someone took a mirror picture and, get this, included themselves in the frame. Like, why? Are they trying to strike a pose or just flexing their outfit? I can’t help but wonder what goes through people’s minds when they do this. It’s like they’re saying, “Hey, look at me taking a picture of myself taking a picture!”

2. Just the feet

You won’t believe what I found: someone snapped a pic of just their feet. I mean, really? What’s the story here? Are they showing off their new kicks or trying to make a statement about foot fashion? It’s one of those moments where you can’t help but scratch your head and wonder, “What’s the thought process behind this?”

3. Cat

Someone took a mirror picture to sell it, but there’s a twist—they’ve got their cat in the shot too. I mean, who can blame them? Cats are the ultimate photobombers! But seriously, what’s the cat thinking? Is it admiring its reflection or plotting its next mischief? Either way, it’s a snapshot full of charm and quirkiness. Gotta love those unexpected cat moments!

4. Cat 2.0

Someone snapped a mirror pic again, but with a twist—they’ve got their black cat in the frame. Talk about adding a touch of mystery to the shot! I wonder what the cat’s thinking—plotting world domination or just photobombing like a pro? Either way, it’s a snapshot full of charm and intrigue. Who knew a black cat could add such flair to a selfie?

5. Finally someone smarter

Someone took a mirror picture without including themselves in the frame. Now, that’s a level of self-awareness you don’t see every day. They actually remembered to not take a picture of themselves while trying to sell it, you don’t find this often.